

Lietuvos otorinolaringologų draugija kviečia jaunus specialistus elektroninių paštu (info@otorinolaringologai.org) teikti paraiškas stipendijai gauti. Stipendija bus skirta apmokėti dalyvavimą norimojoje konferencijoje arba kursuose. Paraiškos priimamos iki gruodžio 31 d.
Įsipareigojimas po konferencijos pateikti ataskaitą LOD nariams. Paraiškas vertina LOD valdyba.


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Confederation of European ORL-HNS - Observership Travel Grants

We are delighted to announce that, as part of our Educational Program for 2025, the Confederation will offer 20 Observership Travel Grants for young ENT professionals aged 35 and under.

These grants, which provide invaluable opportunities for early-career ENT specialists to gain practical experience and broaden their expertise in the field, can be used to cover expenses for visiting a department in a European or non-European country.

Grant Details:

Regular Observership Travel Grants:

  • Amount: €1,000
  • Eligibility: Applicants must be members of a national or subspecialty society, or individual members of the Confederation, and below 35 years of age.


EBEORL Observership Travel Grants:

  • Amount: €1,300
  • Eligibility: Applicants must be members of a national or subspecialty society, or individual members of the Confederation, below 35 years of age, and have successfully passed the written part of the EBEORL Exam.


Application Requirements:

Applicants are required to submit the following documents:

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Proof of membership in the relevant society
  • Copy of ID or passport to confirm date of birth
  • Statement of purpose for applying for the travel grant
  • Optional: Proof of having passed the written part of the EBEORL Exam


Application Deadlines:

Note: Awardees are required to submit a brief report detailing the activity funded by the travel grant.

We kindly request your support in sharing this announcement with the members of your society who meet the eligibility criteria. Your assistance will help us reach motivated young professionals eager to enhance their skills and contribute to the advancement of ENT practices.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.